Winter break is so close I can smell it...I have one final left to take tomorrow at 10:30 and then I will have successfully completed by first semester at UNH, woo-hoo!
Though, I am really not going to have that much of a break...
For 2 weeks I will be here:

Taking care of these guys:

Then I will be spending a week on a dairy travel course (for school credit). We will be traveling through the state of Maine visiting various dairy operations, taking to farmers, and getting real life, first hand experience. I'm really looking forward to that! This is one of the place we are going:

It is on top a mountain. The views are breathtaking...on a clear day even Mt. Washington is visible.
Then, once I get back from that....I'm going to spend two days getting certified to do this:

Psst....for all you non-farmer types, this guy is breeding a cow...artificially, that is.
Are you all still with me? By now I feel like I need a nap! Whew! But we're not done yet...
THEN, two days later I am getting on one of these:

And going here:

This is a map of Mali for those of you who are not quite up on your African geography.
I'm going with this funny guy:

I know that he is wearing a turban and riding a camel, but please try not to judge. A trip to Africa would just not be complete without my buddy Keith...I did after all set him up with his wife.
Then it is back to studying this:

And this:

If nothing else it should be one big fat adventure! Are you coming along for the ride???