Friday, March 12, 2010

The Man in the Fuzzy Pink Slippers

These are the items in question:

Pink, fuzzy, bunny slippers. Pretty cute, eh?

These small treasures were found in the bottom of a bag that had been filled with clothes for Rosy, but Micah laid claim to these long before Rosy will be able to grow into them. He wears around the house in non stop. He even wears them over his footsie pajamas, silly boy! This most recent escapade is my favorite. He kid had nothing on but his diaper and a kid-sized Home Depot apron tied around his waist, and of course, his pink, fuzzy, bunny slippers. Seriously. You think I'm making this up? I don't think you could pay me to fabricate stories like this!

He's our resident ham. Or turkey. Whatever floats your boat.

Fashion aside, Micah really does love his slippers. It is a good thing he is cute, he can pull it off!

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