I was out shopping the other day and bought the following shirt:
Now mind you, I do not follow football or even pretend to follow football, so....I am vaguely aware that this shirt may have some athletic connections, but that is where my brain power stops. At this point you may be asking, "Lindsey, then why did you even buy the shirt?" and that is an excellent question that has a relatively simple answer...you ready for it?
I bought the shirt....because....it has a COW on it. A Texas Longhorn to be exact. That, my friends is why I bought the shirt. Now, you may think that this is the end of my tale, and if that were true, well, let's just say I might need a bit more of a life than any of us thought! ;)
Jerrod, my invincible 16-year old brother, and I were watching some television the other night. Just channel surfing mostly; we weren't really watching anything particular. Imagine my surprise when a commercial comes on featuring men running around in tight shorts and jerseys featuring my beloved Texas Longhorn! Jerrod made a comment about this particular team having a great season, and in a typical blonde-on-the-inside moment I said, "huh?" My brother looked at me rather incredulously and said, "Well, they are only number 2 in the entire country."
Well, what can I say? I know how to pick 'em!
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