Thursday, December 31, 2009

a S-L-O-W and agonizing tale

I never thought I would see the day. I've heard all of the horror stories, but never actually thought IT could ever happen to me....

Yesterday afternoon Lia and I trekked over to Cornish, Maine to visit the largest yarn store in Maine. It was indeed quite large! One could get lost among the thousands of skeins of yarn and the hundreds of needles and patterns. It was a neat place to visit, but the story of getting there takes the cake!

I had just entered Parsonsfield, Maine, which the the small town between my town and Cornish, Maine. The main street is all of a few hundred feet, but the speed limit drops to a thirty along that stretch. I thought I would be nice and let the little white Subaru pull out in front of me...bad idea #1. The recipient of my good deed proceeded to go 10 mph. I was fine until the speed limit went up to 40mph and the little white suba-roo continued to putt along at a mere 20mph...tops. 17-18 was more like it. A few miles later when the speed limit went up to a 50...there we were behind that little white suba-roo going a mere 19mph. Here's a photo to prove it:

Once we actually got to the yarn store it was great. I found this book titled "No Sheep for You" and it made me laugh. Photo evidence:

The whole idea of the book was to hook the common, everyday person on the craft of knitting. The do-it-yourself booked claimed they could hook you on knitting so fast that you wouldn't even have the time or need for sleep, or anything else for that matter! I found it quite hysterical. We perused the eight rooms full of floor to ceiling yarn and made the trip back home, happily going the speed limit the entire way.

Link for Rosemary's Yarn Shop:

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