Friday, February 5, 2010


So, a blog is supposed to be a place to write about the good and the bad, right?

Well, I have a bad confession to make. I just had a hissy fit. Wow. I cannot believe I just admitted that on the world wide web....

Because I travel so much, a lot of stuff ends up in my car. You name it, I probably have it. And, well, I haven't really cleaned it out since last spring. Yeah. March 2009. Long time.

Now, it is important to note that this is not really my car. I am just privileged enough to be able to put gas in at and drive it.

Another notable fact is my standard of cleanliness. Let's just say that it is not very high.

Can you see where this is going?

Confession #1: I have a relatively short fuse.
Confession #2: I have a hard time when others point out what really needs to be done in my life, like say, I don't out my car. My methodology is that I'm a busy person and I'll get to it when I can, and, um, "when I can" usually never comes around.

To make a long story short there was an exchange of words, I got frustrated, another car left the driveway, and I stomped out, armed with trash bags, to clean my car, just to make a point.

My car is now clean. It took me a grand total of 15 minutes. I will spare you the details of some of the things I found. Dirty work clothes from last summer, eeewww. Yup. 'Nuf said. On the bright side, I also found more water bottles than I knew I had!

I certainly could have handled to situation better, but I am thankful for the chance to get it right the next time. But for now I get to enjoy a clean car:

Okay, so that's not my car and the only time it was ever that clean was when it was driven off the lot, but, hey, it is all about baby steps!

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