Friday, December 25, 2009

Of cows!

Since this blog is supposed to be about me, my family, my creativity, my passion for photography, and my addiction to cows, I guess I had better talk a bit about my passion for all things agricultural! So, let's take a tour of where I spend all of my life during the summer and half of my life during the school year:

Welcome to the Remick Country Doctor Museum and Farm. A historical museum that doubles as working farm. I make my living as a farm hand, i.e. lowest slot on the totem pole. But, hey, if you're doing what you love in life, that is all that matters, right?

For years I spent my summers working for their summer camp program. Six weeks out of the summer would find me in the basement surrounded by 10-15 small children, all claiming that they wanted to farmers when they grew up, how cute is that? A favorite camp activity? Why, walking the sheep of course!

Last summer I split my time between the summer camp program and the farm crew. I milked goats one day and caught pond creatures with the kids the next.

Sheep are my second favorite farm buddies. Lambing season is awesome and watching the little ones grow over the summer is so rewarding. Getting them sheared in the spring is always a highlight; they look so funny for a couple days after!

My first favorite farm buddies are the cows! They are so beautiful and have such a distinct and individual smell! (my mother looked at me a bit funny when I told her that. In the same sentence she said that my cow-smelling farm boots could live outside from now on.) Our herd consists of mainly Herefords, which we raise for meat, but we are currently expanding our herd to include one cow of each of the major breeds. The Holstein, Jersey, and Brown Swiss breeds are my favorite.

My contract stated that I would be employed through the summer, but once the beginning to autumn rolled around I was asked to stay on for the rest of the year, and well, now that the end of the year has rolled around I have been asked to stay on straight through the winter. So I spend my early mornings breaking ice and hauling water, throwing hay and hauling manure. And, oh man, I love every minute of it...except for the mornings when it is below zero out...and then I am thankful for heat in the truck! But, it is a beautiful place to work!

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