Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Last night was my last and final night of freedom over winter break. So, what better thing to do than celebrate? My mom and I decided at 6:15 that we wanted to go out and catch a movie. Great idea right? Well, not exactly if the only show time was 7 p.m. and the theater is a 40 minute drive from your house. What can I say, we live in the boonies....

Nevertheless, we made good time; even dropped off a friend and put gas in the car...good thing too or we never would have made it all the way up there, never mind back. We pulled into the parking lot at exactly 7 p.m. and were in the theater by 7:05 p.m. Remember that part I told you about us living in the boonies??? That also equals the fact that we do not wait in line for much except maybe when you try to grab a cup of coffee at the only coffee shop in town, then you may have a problem, but hey, we take what we can get. And because we live in the boonies there were only two other people in the theater and the movie started 10 minutes late. Just a few of the perks folks, thought you might want to know what you are missing out on! Anyhow, I digress...

This was the movie we saw:

Leap Year. It was quite good. Granted it was something my 16 year-old brother will never want to see...never as in never ever, but my mom and I thought it was quite good. We laughed through the entire movie (well, us and the two other people in the entire theater, but that is certainly beside the point...) The plot was well written, the twists were slightly more unpredictable than I imagined, and the humor was funny and surprisingly appropriate.

So, if you're looking for something to eat up a couple hours of your time, (oh, wait, better tack on a couple hours for travel time if you live in the boonies like me!) then go check it out.

Farewell to my days of lying on the couch with nothing better to do and the days of having time to drive forever and a decade just to see a movie that was good, but not that good! Farewell my love. I do not know when I will see you again....

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