Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spring (and final) Semester Classes!

It is Wednesday. Not just any Wednesday, but the last Wednesday of my winter break, boo-hoo...not really. I am really looking forward to my spring semester at NHTI for a couple of really good reasons!
#1: It will be my FINAL semester at NHTI... yee-haw!
#2: I am taking some pretty sweet classes that I am really looking forward to, like:

Intro to Photoshop. I am looking forward to this class. I have had CS3 on my MacBook since I bought it, but I never took a class or took the time to site down and figure it out, so this class will be a nice breath of fresh air something I can through myself and my creativity into.

Intro to Cultural Anthropology. I have done a bit of traveling, which I think will make this class really interesting. I have always had a fascination of other cultures and am actually looking forward to all of the reading that this class will entail. (I also scored the textbook off of Amazon at a severely reduced price from what the bookstore was offering, what could be better???)

Chemistry I. Okay, so maybe not the most exciting for easiest class, but I'm up for a good challenge. Chemistry is a needed class for the UNH Dairy Management program, so the more credits I can get out of the way at NHTI, the better, right? This will, without a doubt, be my most challenging class this semester, but I am ready for it. I loved high school chemistry and did pretty well, so I'm actually looking forward to it.

And the icing on the cake....Photography II. I. Can't. Wait. I have been waiting for this class since I took Photography I last spring. I could not get it to fit into my schedule this fall, so spring semester it is. I will have the same professor who taught my Photo I course, which is awesome. I am looking forward to making some new friends, spending countless hours in the darkroom, being up to my elbows in the black film bags and cursing the metal film frames, and producing some fabulous prints. *sigh* Wednesday (my first class) cannot come soon enough!

Oh, and the icing for the icing would be my capstone exhibit! Upon their graduation from NHTI, each Visual Arts major has the opportunity to participate in a Senior Capstone Art Exhibition where each student works with a professor adviser to independently produce a body of work outside of class time which will be exhibited to the public in an art show.

Nevertheless, this should prove to be nothing short of an exciting semester! Stay tuned for all of the fabulous details.


Kristel [nnjagurl] said...

You know I have PhotoShop, right? And I have finally have a laptop that can handle it. We should swap tips. (and actions?) :)

Lindsey Peterson said...

Agreed. We should. I only know what I taught myself by fooling around with the program, but yes we can and should swap tips and actions! :)